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24 June 2011

C# OAuth for TESTardi

These days we was looking a way to use OAuth in our application to add some service to our customers. As usual I done some investigation before start doing something by myself and I have found some frameworks, some example, some sources… as usual.

I am a TESTardo (in Spanish is TESTarudo and in English “headstrong”) and I would understand what is going on behind those hundreds lines of C# code.

To try a OAuth consumer I have to find an available server giving me the ability to try without need to register a domain, an application or things like that… for sure would be very useful if each BIG MONSTER (Google, Facebook, MSN, Twitter, Yahoo! and so on) gives us a nice mock of their service.

To start the basis I found this site that is something I would have for each BIG MONSTER. After that I can use the famous OAuthBase and start my tests (it isn’t the base class I would have but just something “little” to start).

The class from where start

public class ResponseToken
    public string Token { get; set; }
    public string TokenSecret { get; set; }
public class TermIeOAuthService: OAuthBase
    private const string ConsumerKey = "key";
    private const string ConsumerSecret = "secret";
    private readonly Uri requestTokenEndpoint = new Uri("");
    private readonly Uri accessTokenEndpoint = new Uri("");
    private readonly Uri makingAuthenticatedCalls = new Uri("");

    public ResponseToken GetRequestToken()
        return null;

    public ResponseToken GetAccessToken(ResponseToken requestToken)
        return null;

    public dynamic MakeAuthenticatedCall(ResponseToken accessToken, object parameters)
        return null;


The Test

public class TermIeOAuthServiceTests
    public void WhenGetRequestTokenThenGetRequestKey()
        var outhService = new TermIeOAuthService();

        var result = outhService.GetRequestToken();

    public void WhenGetAccessTokenThenGetAccessKey()
        var outhService = new TermIeOAuthService();
        var requestKey = outhService.GetRequestToken();

        var result = outhService.GetAccessToken(requestKey);


    public void WhenMakeAuthenticatedCallThenReturnEcho()
        var outhService = new TermIeOAuthService();
        var requestKey = outhService.GetRequestToken();
        var accessKey = outhService.GetAccessToken(requestKey);
        var result = outhService.MakeAuthenticatedCall(accessKey, new { method = "Salva", who = "StoBambinello" });
        string methodValue = result.method;
        string whoValue = result.who;



Getting a Request Token

public ResponseToken GetRequestToken()
    string norm1;
    string norm2;
    string nonce = GenerateNonce();
    string timeStamp = GenerateTimeStamp();

    string signature = GenerateSignature(requestTokenEndpoint,
                                   ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, string.Empty, string.Empty,
                                                                 "GET", timeStamp, nonce, SignatureTypes.PLAINTEXT,
                                   out norm1, out norm2);
    var expandoObject = new ExpandoObject();
    dynamic queryParameters = expandoObject;
    queryParameters.oauth_version = OAuthVersion;

    string responseQuery = requestTokenEndpoint
    var responseParameters = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(responseQuery);

    return new ResponseToken { Token = responseParameters[OAuthTokenKey], TokenSecret = responseParameters[OAuthTokenSecretKey] };


Getting an Access Token

public ResponseToken GetAccessToken(ResponseToken requestToken)
    string norm1;
    string norm2;
    string nonce = GenerateNonce();
    string timeStamp = GenerateTimeStamp();

    string signature = GenerateSignature(accessTokenEndpoint,
                                                                 ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, requestToken.Token, requestToken.TokenSecret,
                                                                 "GET", timeStamp, nonce, SignatureTypes.PLAINTEXT,
                                                                 out norm1, out norm2);
    var expandoObject = new ExpandoObject();
    dynamic queryParameters = expandoObject;
    queryParameters.oauth_version = OAuthVersion;
    queryParameters.oauth_nonce = nonce;
    queryParameters.oauth_timestamp = timeStamp;
    queryParameters.oauth_consumer_key = ConsumerKey;
    queryParameters.oauth_token = requestToken.Token;
    queryParameters.oauth_signature_method = PlainTextSignatureType;
    queryParameters.oauth_signature = signature;

    string responseQuery = accessTokenEndpoint
    var responseParameters = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(responseQuery);

    return new ResponseToken { Token = responseParameters[OAuthTokenKey], TokenSecret = responseParameters[OAuthTokenSecretKey] };


Making Authenticated Calls

public dynamic MakeAuthenticatedCall(ResponseToken accessToken, object parameters)
    string norm1;
    string norm2;
    string nonce = GenerateNonce();
    string timeStamp = GenerateTimeStamp();

    string signature = GenerateSignature(makingAuthenticatedCalls,
                                                                 ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, accessToken.Token, accessToken.TokenSecret,
                                                                 "GET", timeStamp, nonce, SignatureTypes.PLAINTEXT,
                                                                 out norm1, out norm2);
    var expandoObject = new ExpandoObject();
    dynamic queryParameters = expandoObject;
    queryParameters.oauth_version = OAuthVersion;
    queryParameters.oauth_nonce = nonce;
    queryParameters.oauth_timestamp = timeStamp;
    queryParameters.oauth_consumer_key = ConsumerKey;
    queryParameters.oauth_token = accessToken.Token;
    queryParameters.oauth_signature_method = PlainTextSignatureType;
    queryParameters.oauth_signature = signature;
    string responseQuery = makingAuthenticatedCalls

    return HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(responseQuery).AsDynamic();


The result


Si giá lo só, sono propio TESTardo!!!!


  1. mmmm, seems like you missed some extension methods (Append, CompleteWith, etc)...

  2. If anyone wants to spend the weekend understanding what the OAuthBase class does, here's a resource:
