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24 June 2011

C# OAuth for TESTardi

These days we was looking a way to use OAuth in our application to add some service to our customers. As usual I done some investigation before start doing something by myself and I have found some frameworks, some example, some sources… as usual.

I am a TESTardo (in Spanish is TESTarudo and in English “headstrong”) and I would understand what is going on behind those hundreds lines of C# code.

To try a OAuth consumer I have to find an available server giving me the ability to try without need to register a domain, an application or things like that… for sure would be very useful if each BIG MONSTER (Google, Facebook, MSN, Twitter, Yahoo! and so on) gives us a nice mock of their service.

To start the basis I found this site that is something I would have for each BIG MONSTER. After that I can use the famous OAuthBase and start my tests (it isn’t the base class I would have but just something “little” to start).

The class from where start

public class ResponseToken
    public string Token { get; set; }
    public string TokenSecret { get; set; }
public class TermIeOAuthService: OAuthBase
    private const string ConsumerKey = "key";
    private const string ConsumerSecret = "secret";
    private readonly Uri requestTokenEndpoint = new Uri("");
    private readonly Uri accessTokenEndpoint = new Uri("");
    private readonly Uri makingAuthenticatedCalls = new Uri("");

    public ResponseToken GetRequestToken()
        return null;

    public ResponseToken GetAccessToken(ResponseToken requestToken)
        return null;

    public dynamic MakeAuthenticatedCall(ResponseToken accessToken, object parameters)
        return null;


The Test

public class TermIeOAuthServiceTests
    public void WhenGetRequestTokenThenGetRequestKey()
        var outhService = new TermIeOAuthService();

        var result = outhService.GetRequestToken();

    public void WhenGetAccessTokenThenGetAccessKey()
        var outhService = new TermIeOAuthService();
        var requestKey = outhService.GetRequestToken();

        var result = outhService.GetAccessToken(requestKey);


    public void WhenMakeAuthenticatedCallThenReturnEcho()
        var outhService = new TermIeOAuthService();
        var requestKey = outhService.GetRequestToken();
        var accessKey = outhService.GetAccessToken(requestKey);
        var result = outhService.MakeAuthenticatedCall(accessKey, new { method = "Salva", who = "StoBambinello" });
        string methodValue = result.method;
        string whoValue = result.who;



Getting a Request Token

public ResponseToken GetRequestToken()
    string norm1;
    string norm2;
    string nonce = GenerateNonce();
    string timeStamp = GenerateTimeStamp();

    string signature = GenerateSignature(requestTokenEndpoint,
                                   ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, string.Empty, string.Empty,
                                                                 "GET", timeStamp, nonce, SignatureTypes.PLAINTEXT,
                                   out norm1, out norm2);
    var expandoObject = new ExpandoObject();
    dynamic queryParameters = expandoObject;
    queryParameters.oauth_version = OAuthVersion;

    string responseQuery = requestTokenEndpoint
    var responseParameters = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(responseQuery);

    return new ResponseToken { Token = responseParameters[OAuthTokenKey], TokenSecret = responseParameters[OAuthTokenSecretKey] };


Getting an Access Token

public ResponseToken GetAccessToken(ResponseToken requestToken)
    string norm1;
    string norm2;
    string nonce = GenerateNonce();
    string timeStamp = GenerateTimeStamp();

    string signature = GenerateSignature(accessTokenEndpoint,
                                                                 ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, requestToken.Token, requestToken.TokenSecret,
                                                                 "GET", timeStamp, nonce, SignatureTypes.PLAINTEXT,
                                                                 out norm1, out norm2);
    var expandoObject = new ExpandoObject();
    dynamic queryParameters = expandoObject;
    queryParameters.oauth_version = OAuthVersion;
    queryParameters.oauth_nonce = nonce;
    queryParameters.oauth_timestamp = timeStamp;
    queryParameters.oauth_consumer_key = ConsumerKey;
    queryParameters.oauth_token = requestToken.Token;
    queryParameters.oauth_signature_method = PlainTextSignatureType;
    queryParameters.oauth_signature = signature;

    string responseQuery = accessTokenEndpoint
    var responseParameters = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(responseQuery);

    return new ResponseToken { Token = responseParameters[OAuthTokenKey], TokenSecret = responseParameters[OAuthTokenSecretKey] };


Making Authenticated Calls

public dynamic MakeAuthenticatedCall(ResponseToken accessToken, object parameters)
    string norm1;
    string norm2;
    string nonce = GenerateNonce();
    string timeStamp = GenerateTimeStamp();

    string signature = GenerateSignature(makingAuthenticatedCalls,
                                                                 ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, accessToken.Token, accessToken.TokenSecret,
                                                                 "GET", timeStamp, nonce, SignatureTypes.PLAINTEXT,
                                                                 out norm1, out norm2);
    var expandoObject = new ExpandoObject();
    dynamic queryParameters = expandoObject;
    queryParameters.oauth_version = OAuthVersion;
    queryParameters.oauth_nonce = nonce;
    queryParameters.oauth_timestamp = timeStamp;
    queryParameters.oauth_consumer_key = ConsumerKey;
    queryParameters.oauth_token = accessToken.Token;
    queryParameters.oauth_signature_method = PlainTextSignatureType;
    queryParameters.oauth_signature = signature;
    string responseQuery = makingAuthenticatedCalls

    return HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(responseQuery).AsDynamic();


The result


Si giá lo só, sono propio TESTardo!!!!