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24 October 2009

NHibernate.Validator : The “Satisfy” way of custom Validators

The Satisfy (perhaps it sound familiar to some SharpTestsEx users ;) ).

To show how it work the example is a constraint for Person.Name: a Name is significant when it has more than three characters, is composed by letters and the first letter is in uppercase.

To create a that validator, in the classic way, we should create an Attribute implementing IRuleArgs and then a class implementing IValidator, or combine some existing validators for strings (in this case min-length and regex or only a regex).

Using the Satisfier the work to do is so hard as write a lambda:

public class PersonValidation: ValidationDef<Person>
public PersonValidation()
Define(p => p.Name)
.Satisfy(name => name != null && name.Length >= 3 && Regex.IsMatch(name,"[A-Z][a-z]*"))
.WithMessage("The Name is not significant.");
The Satisfier is available for those property-types where we consider it has sense.

Implemented as is the Satisfier appear as not reusable; if we want use the same, identical, validation for a pet's name we should rewrite the lambda in the validation definition for our Pet class. hmmm… perhaps we shouldn’t.

We can extend Loquacious:

public static IChainableConstraint<IStringConstraints> Significant(this IStringConstraints definition)
return definition.Satisfy(s => s != null && s.Length >= 3 && Regex.IsMatch(s, "[A-Z][a-z]*"));

Now we can use the extension in this way:

public class PersonValidation: ValidationDef<Person>
public PersonValidation()
Define(p => p.Name).Significant()
.WithMessage("The Name is not significant.");

public class PetValidation : ValidationDef<Pet>
public PetValidation()
Define(p => p.Name).Significant()
.WithMessage("The Name is not significant.");

Note: Don’t take care about the duplication of the massage, that will be matter of another post.

If you want make the Significant constraint a little bit more flexible, you can simply use parameters as:

public static IChainableConstraint<IStringConstraints> Significant(
this IStringConstraints definition,
int minLength)
return definition.Satisfy(
s => s != null && s.Length >= minLength && Regex.IsMatch(s, "[A-Z][a-z]*"));

and use it as

public class PersonValidation: ValidationDef<Person>
public PersonValidation()
const int minNameLength = 3;
Define(p => p.Name).Significant(3)
string.Format("The Name is not significant (min length {0}).", minNameLength));

public class PetValidation : ValidationDef<Pet>
public PetValidation()
const int minNameLength = 4;
Define(p => p.Name).Significant(minNameLength)
string.Format("The Name is not significant (min length {0}).",minNameLength));

As you can see, define a custom-reusable Validator with NHibernate.Validator, is a piece of cake.


  1. Well done!
    Loquacios is the way, definitely.

  2. Hi Fabio,

    Is there any reason so IRelationshipConstraints does not derive from ISatisfier as many other constraints interfaces do?

  3. I don't remember exactly but, probably, is because the relation should have its own validation; you shouldn't validate a relation through the aggregate.
